Concept2 Logbook | Help Pages (2024)

Concept2 Logbook | Help Pages (1)

Logbook and Ranking Help/FAQs

  • General Questions
  • Profiles and Logging In/Out
  • Logging Workouts In Your Logbook
  • Privacy Settings
  • Sharing Workouts on Social Media
  • Connecting to Other Platforms/Services
  • RowErg Questions
  • SkiErg Questions
  • BikeErg Questions
  • Ranking Workouts and Viewing Rankings
  • Challenges
  • World Records
  • History
  • Annual Meters Honor Board
  • Affiliations and Standings
  • Training Partners
  • Teams
  • Team Captains
  • Logbook Mail

General Questions

What is the online logbook?

The Concept2 Online Logbook is a free training tool that allows you to record your workouts on the Concept2 RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg. You can keep track of your total meters, analyze your progress, take part in challenges, and compare your results against others worldwide.

Does the logbook and ranking use "cookies"?

Yes. When you log in, our website stores several small text files called cookies on your computer. If you are unable to log in or enter a result after creating a new profile it may be due to the cookie setting on your browser.

When do the logbook and rankings start and end each year?

The Concept2 Online Logbook and Ranking season runs from May 1–April 30. On May 1 every year, the previous 12 months worth of data is archived, and a new year begins with a blank slate.

Can I enter workouts from a past logbook and ranking season in my logbook?


Do lifetime meters start over with each new logbook and ranking year?

No. Your lifetime meters are just that: all the meters you've logged in your lifetime. This value gets carried forward from one logbook and ranking season to the next.

Can I exercise on other brand machines and use the logbook to track my meters and participate in challenges?

No. We require that you use Concept2 equipment for the Concept2 Online Logbook, Rankings and challenges. The Performance Monitor on Concept2 equipment measures work (and therefore meters) reliably and comparably; we're unable to accept data from other sources.


Profiles and Logging In/Out

What should I do if my email address changes?

You can change any information in your personal profile, including your email address as follows:

  1. Log into your online logbook.
  2. Click the profile icon on the top right of the page. This will be your user photograph if you have uploaded one.
  3. Click Edit Profile and make the necessary changes.
  4. Press Enter or click Update at the bottom of the page to save the changes.
Can more than one person use the same logbook?

No, each person must have their own logbook account.

Can I set up additional profiles using the same username?

No, the username must be unique for each individual.

Can I set up additional profiles using the same email address?

Yes, as long as everyone using the same email address has a unique username set up for him or herself.

What do I do if I can't remember my username?

On the login page, click Forgotten your password or username?. This opens a page that has a link for Username Reminder. Click Username Reminder. This opens a page that prompts you for your email address. You will then receive an email providing your username. If you do not receive an email within 5-10 minutes, please go to the contact page to request help.

What do I do if I can't remember my password?

On the login page, click Forgotten your password or username? Enter your username and a reset link will be sent to the email address associated with your account. Click on this link and you can choose a new password.

Can I delete my own profile and if so, how?

Yes, You can delete your own profile as follows:

  1. Log into your online logbook.
  2. Click the profile icon on the top right of the page. This will be your user photograph if you have uploaded one.
  3. Click Edit Profile then go to the Delete Account tab.
  4. Click Delete Account.

Note that Profile deletions are permanent, and any meters associated with deleted profiles cannot be retrieved.

Can duplicate profiles be merged?

Yes. If you have duplicate profiles and would like them merged, please email your request, along with your name and any Ranking IDs you know of, via the contact page.


Logging Workouts In Your Logbook

How do I log a workout in my logbook?

There are multiple ways to log meters into your logbook. You can enter results manually on the Log page, sync them from apps such as ErgData, or upload them using the Concept2 Utility software.

What are the "Season Meters" under my name on the main logbook page?

That number is the total of all the meters you have logged into your logbook during the current season (seasons run from May 1–April 30).

What are the "Lifetime Meters" under my name on the main logbook page?

That number is the total of all the meters you have ever logged into your logbook, regardless of season.

When adding a workout, under Type, several options are listed. What are Slides, Dynamic RowErg, SkiErg, BikeErg and Paddle Adapter?

Concept2 Slides are an accessory for the RowErg. Learn more about Slides. The Concept2 Dynamic RowErg is a separate model from the standard RowErg. Learn more about the Dynamic. The Concept2 SkiErg is a piece of Nordic ski training equipment. Learn more about the SkiErg. The Concept2 BikeErg is an indoor bike. Learn more about the BikeErg. The Paddle Adapter is made by Paddlesport Training Systems. Learn more about the Paddle Adapter.

I made a mistake in a workout entry? How can I correct this?

Click on the pencil icon next to the entry you want to change in your logbook. This will take you to the Edit Workout page for this workout.

How can I delete a workout from my log?

Take the following steps:

  1. In either Latest Workouts on the homepage, or in the Season view, click on one of the icons next to the workout you want to delete.
  2. On the next page, click Delete.
Do on-water/on-snow/rollerski meters count toward the total for the Million Meter Club or the Annual Meters Honor Board?

These pieces do not count toward the Million Meter Club totals but they are included in the Annual Meters Honor Board totals.

What do H and L mean for RowErg workouts?

L or (Lwt) is for Lightweight—165 pounds or less for men and 135 pounds or less for women. H (or Hwt) is for Heavyweight—anything over those lightweight limits. Even though you may have entered a weight in your profile, you must designate L or H for every piece that you enter. Note: These weight categories only apply for rowing workouts. Workouts done on the Concept2 SkiErg or BikeErg do not have a weight classification.

I haven't entered my meters in my logbook in a while. Can I enter them in one bulk entry?

Yes, you can. Rather than enter them on the main log page, you should instead enter them as Catchup Meters from the History page. Catchup Meters have a start and end period, so you can either enter them as one sum or break them down by shorter periods.

The number of meters I've done in life do not match the lifetime meter total in my logbook. How can I correct my logbook total?

If your displayed Lifetime Meters is less than your total, enter the difference as Catchup Meters. If your displayed Lifetime Meters is more than your total, you’ll need to examine your past meters to find the discrepancy and correct it.

How can I see last year's logbook?

To see any previous season's logbook:

  1. Click History at the top of the page.
  2. Click the View Season link for the relevant season.


Privacy Settings

How can I edit my privacy settings?

Log into your online logbook, click the profile icon on the top right of the page, click Edit Profile and then click on the Privacy Settings tab.

How can I change whether my workouts are public or private?

By default, the "Show Logbook" privacy setting in your profile is set to Training Partners Only. The privacy options are: Everyone (public), Nobody (private), Logged-In Users Only, and Training Partners Only. It's possible to override this setting for individual workouts from the detail view for a workout. If you change the "Show Logbook" setting in your profile, it will change the privacy setting for all workouts that have not been overridden.

Will my profile appear on search engines?

If your "Show Profile" is set to Everyone, then your profile may appear on search engines.

If I choose not to appear on honor boards, what happens if I am a member of an affiliation or team? Will my meters still count?

In both cases, your meters will still count for your affiliation or team. For affiliations, your name will appear as "Name withheld" on the affiliation standings, and nobody will see your name or age. For teams, your name will only be visible to members of your team. For everybody else it will appear as "Name withheld".

If I choose not to appear on honor boards, will my name still appear on the Rankings if I rank a piece?

Yes. If you rank a piece, it will appear on the Rankings as normal.


Sharing Workouts on Social Media

How can I share my workouts on social media?

If you go to the detail view for a workout, you can see icons to share your workout on Twitter, Facebook or via Email.

If I share a workout on Facebook, does that make it visible to everybody?

If you share a workout on Facebook, anybody who has permission to view your Facebook profile will see a summary of your workout. If they click through to view it on the Logbook, then it's visibility will depend on your privacy settings for that workout. Note: You can change the privacy settings for individual workouts from the detail view for that workout.


Connecting to Other Platforms/Services

How can I send my workouts to another fitness platform, such as Strava?

It's currently possible to connect your Logbook account to Strava, Training Peaks, Fitbit, Garmin Connect and Today’s Plan. In order to connect your Logbook to these sites, go to your profile page and click on Edit Profile. Then, select Applications and follow the instructions for the platform you wish to use. From that point on, any workout which is added to the Logbook will then go straight through to Strava or Fitbit. Only workouts with stroke data (such as those done using ErgData) can be uploaded to Training Peaks, Garmin and Today's Plan.

How can I stop sending my workouts to a platform after I've connected it?

If you ever want to stop uploading to a site, go back to the Applications page and click on Revoke next to the service you no longer wish to send your workouts to.

Do you have any plans to add new fitness platforms?

We are looking at a few other platforms, but we have no timeline for anything else to be added at the moment.

Can you send my workouts to Runkeeper/Runtastic/other platforms?

If you have another platform you wish us to send your workout to, then please let us know via the Contact form. For us to do so, however, requires the other platform to have a public API.

Can I manually export my workouts to send to another platform?

If your platform of choice is not currently supported, it's possible to export workouts with stroke data as either a TCX or FIT file via the detailed view for a workout. These can then be uploaded manually to other platforms such as SportTracks.

I have just connected to a platform. Is it possible to automatically send all past workouts to it?

This is not currently possible. The only way to do so at the moment is to export them manually and then import them into the platform


RowErg Questions

What is the RowErg?

The RowErg is a rowing ergometer and training tool from Concept2. Like the SkiErg and BikeErg, the RowErg has a Performance Monitor that allows you to accurately measure your workout. This means you can use the logbook to compare your performance with other users of the machine.

Can I rank RowErg pieces?

Yes. RowErg pieces can be ranked. On the Rankings page you can choose to view either a RowErg ranking or a SkiErg ranking among others. The ranking events are the same for the RowErg as for the SkiErg.

Do RowErg meters count in challenges?

RowErg meters count towards most online challenges. There are occasionally challenges that are SkiErg or BikeErg specific.

Do RowErg meters count for team challenges?

Yes. The team challenges include RowErg, SkiErg, and BikeErg meters (however, no rollerski/on-snow/roadbike meters are allowed).

Is there a records page for the RowErg?

Yes, we maintain RowErg records for all the ranking distances. Learn more at RowErg Records.

Do RowErg meters count towards the Distance Awards?

RowErg meters count towards the RowErg Million Meter Club, which is separate from SkiErg and BikeErg Million Meter Clubs.

Do RowErg meters count for the Annual Meters Honor Board?

Yes. RowErg meters count towards this, as do SkiErg, BikeErg and on-water meters. Clicking on a team name on the Annual Meters Honor Board allows you to see the separate totals for each type.

Are there weight categories for RowErg pieces?

Yes, lightweight and heavyweight are weight categories from the world of on-water rowing. L or (Lwt) is for Lightweight—165 pounds or less for men and 135 pounds or less for women. H (or Hwt) is for Heavyweight—anything over those lightweight limits. Even though you may have entered a weight in your profile, you must designate L or H for every piece that you enter. Note: These weight categories only apply for RowErg workouts. Workouts done on the Concept2 SkiErg or BikeErg do not have a weight classification.


SkiErg Questions

What is the SkiErg?

The SkiErg is a ski ergometer and training tool from Concept2. Like the RowErg and BikeErg, the SkiErg has a Performance Monitor that allows you to accurately measure your workout. This means you can use the logbook to compare your performance with other users of the machine.

Can I rank SkiErg pieces?

Yes. SkiErg pieces can be ranked. On the Rankings page you can choose to view either a SkiErg ranking or a RowErg ranking among others. The ranking events are the same for the SkiErg as for the RowErg.

Do SkiErg meters count in challenges?

SkiErg meters count towards most online challenges. There are occasionally challenges that are RowErg or BikeErg specific.

Do SkiErg meters count for team challenges?

Yes. The team challenges include RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg meters (however, no rollerski/on-snow meters are allowed).

Is there a records page for the SkiErg?

Yes, we maintain SkiErg records for all the ranking distances. Learn more at SkiErg Records.

Do SkiErg meters count towards the Distance Awards?

SkiErg meters count towards the SkiErg Million Meter Club, which is separate from the RowErg and BikeErg Million Meter Club.

Do SkiErg meters count for the Annual Meters Honor Board?

Yes. SkiErg meters count towards this, as do RowErg, BikeErg and on-water meters. Clicking on a team name on the Annual Meters Honor Board allows you to see the separate totals for each type.

Are there weight categories for SkiErg pieces?

No. SkiErg pieces do not have weight categories.


BikeErg Questions

What is the BikeErg?

The Concept2 BikeErg is a cycling ergometer and training tool. Like the RowErg and SkiErg, the BikeErg has a Performance Monitor that allows you to accurately measure your workout. This means you can use the logbook to compare your performance with other users of the machine.

Can I rank BikeErg pieces?

Yes. BikeErg pieces can be ranked. The ranking events are slightly different for the BikeErg than for the RowErg and SkiErg.

Do BikeErg meters count in challenges?

BikeErg meters count towards most online challenges. There are occasionally challenges that are RowErg or SkiErg specific. Since meters are accumulated at twice the rate as the RowErg or SkiErg, BikeErg meters are counted as half when applied to most challenges.

Do BikeErg meters count for team challenges?

Yes, the team challenges include RowErg, SkiErg, and BikeErg meters (however, no rollerski/on-snow/roadbike meters are allowed). Since meters are accumulated at twice the rate as the RowErg or SkiErg, BikeErg meters are counted as half when applied to most challenges.

Is there a records page for the BikeErg?

We do not currently maintain any BikeErg world or national records.

Do BikeErg meters count towards the Distance Awards?

BikeErg meters count towards the BikeErg Million Meter Club, which is separate from RowErg and SkiErg Million Meter Clubs.

Do BikeErg meters count for the Annual Meters Honor Board?

Yes. BikeErg meters count towards this, as do RowErg, SkiErg and on-water meters. Clicking on a team name on the Annual Meters Honor Board allows you to see the separate totals for each type.

Are there weight categories for BikeErg pieces?

No. BikeErg pieces do not have weight categories.


Ranking Workouts and Viewing Rankings

How do I rank a result?

Enter your result in your logbook. The Rank button automatically appears next to any qualifying result. Clicking this Rank button sends the result to the Rankings.

How can I tell which results I have ranked?

Results that are ranked will have a blue background in your logbook and will be accompanied by an Unrank link. You can also see all your ranked results by going to the Ranked Workouts page in your logbook.

Which pieces can be ranked?

For the RowErg and SkiErg, you can rank the following workouts:

  • 100 Meters
  • 500 Meters
  • 1000 Meters
  • 2000 Meters
  • 5000 Meters
  • 6000 Meters
  • 10000 Meters
  • 21,097 Meters (half marathon)
  • 42,195 Meters (marathon)
  • 100,000 Meters (team event)
  • 1 minute
  • 4 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 60 minutes

For the BikeErg, you can rank the following workouts:

  • 200 Meters
  • 500 Meters
  • 1000 Meters
  • 4000 Meters
  • 10,000 Meters
  • 20,000 Meters
  • 40,000 Meters
  • 100,000 Meters (team event)
  • 1 minute
  • 30 minutes
  • 60 minutes

All ranking pieces must be single distance or timed pieces (no interval pieces) started from a non-moving flywheel. Accelerated starts from moving flywheels during intervals are not accepted as ranking times. Generally Just Row/Ski/Ride pieces are not acceptable because the distance/time must be exact to meet the category requirements above. You can only rank pieces in the current Logbook season.

How can I set up an exact single distance or timed piece to be ranked?
See Setting Up a Single Distance Workout or Setting Up a Single Time Workout.
How can I verify my result in the rankings?

Pieces that are uploaded directly using the Concept2 Utility (from your LogCard or USB flash drive), the ErgData app, or those that come from races, are automatically classed as verified. Verification is not required to rank a piece, however, to flag a manually entered piece as "verified", you can use the verification code from your PM3, PM4 or PM5. Read more on how to access the PM3/PM4/PM5 verification code. If you have an older Performance Monitor (PM2 or PM1 only), use the contact page after you have entered it into the ranking and choose "Verify a Piece".

Can I rank a result from a past season?

No, you can only rank results completed during the current logbook and ranking season.

How can I see last year's rankings?

To see prior seasons' rankings, select the year you want to see from the search criteria on the main rankings page.

I edited a workout that I'd previously ranked, and now I can't find it in the rankings. Why?

Editing a ranked piece removes it from the ranking. To re-rank the piece, click the blue rank link in the Status column for that piece on your main logbook page.

If I have a ranked piece in a given ranking category (let's say 5,000 meters) and I enter a faster time for that 5,000 meters, do I need to unrank my slower time in order to rank my faster time?

No. When you rank the faster time, the slower time is automatically removed from the rankings so you'll only have one ranked time for that category.

How do I delete a ranking piece?

On either Ranked Workouts page or from your Log, click Unrank next to the workout you want to delete.

This does not remove the piece for your logbook. It simply removes it from the Rankings. You can only delete ranked workouts from the current season.

Can I rank an on-water piece?

No. On-water pieces are not eligible for the Rankings.

If a birthday puts me into the next ranking age category, can I have two different pieces ranked for the same distance—each under a different age category?

No, you will have to choose which piece you want to rank. You can only have one ranking entry per event per season regardless of age.

Why are some people listed twice in the same ranking?

In some cases an individual may appear twice when they have input their own times, and then had their race results sent to us by the race organizers. We try and automatically merge these results, but if their names or date of births differ they may appear twice. Please let us know about any duplicates via the contact page.

Are pieces on the Dynamic RowErg ranked separately to pieces on a RowErg?

You can now rank pieces separately on a RowErg, RowErg on Slides and the Dynamic RowErg and these will all show up in separate sections on your Ranked Workouts page. When you view Rankings, you can choose which "RowErg Type" to search by: whether all types, Dynamic only or RowErg only etc. Only one piece by you will ever show up in any Ranking, so if you have a 2,000m time ranked for both the RowErg and the Dynamic RowErg, and you choose to view "All Results" for RowErg Type, only your fastest piece will show up.

What do the types "R", "D" and "S" mean on the ranking page?

R, D, and S tell you the type of machine used for a ranked RowErg piece:

R RowErg.
D Dynamic RowErg.
S RowErg on Slides.

These letters appear in the Type column when you're viewing a RowErg ranking and have chosen "All Results" for RowErg Type.



How do I sign up for an individual challenge?

You do not have to sign up for individual challenges. Any results you enter/upload into your online logbook will automatically count toward the challenge.

Why do I not appear on a challenge honor board?

This could be occurring for various reasons.

  • Be sure that you have met the challenge itself by completing the correct number of meters.
  • Check that your preferences are set so that you appear on honor boards. On the Edit Profile page, click Privacy Settings and make sure the "Appear on Honor Boards" setting is checked. Note: Even if you do not wish to appear on honor boards, you will still be eligible for certificates and prizes.
  • If you are participating in a team challenge, be sure that you have joined the team and the challenge successfully on the Teams page of your logbook.
Can I see the results of past challenges?

If you go to the information page for each challenge, you can see the results for the last few years.

How do I print my certificate for a recent challenge?

Certificates are available for download for 30 days after the end of a challenge on the Challenges page in your online logbook.

Can I download certificates for past challenges?

This is not currently possible. If you would like a certificate for a past challenge, please contact Concept2.

I've reached 1 million meters, are there any prizes and how do I claim them?

There are certificates and a CafePress store for every Million Meter Club, along with prizes at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and every 5 million meters thereafter. To access your certificate and/or prize, go to the Challenge section of your Logbook.


World Records

How do I rank a record-breaking 2000 meter row?

A record-breaking 2000 meter time can be ranked by you, but cannot be recognized as a world record unless the piece was rowed at an official Concept2 sanctioned indoor rowing event with witnesses present. See the RowErg Record Requirements for more information.

Can record-breaking 2000 meter times be rowed on Slides?

No, 2000 meter record times must be rowed on RowErgs without Slides.

What do I have to do if I think I can break a world record piece?

Please check our record requirements to make sure your piece is valid and can be claimed as a record:

  • RowErg Record Requirements
  • SkiErg Record Requirements
Where can I see all the current world records?

Go to RowErg World Records and SkiErg World Records on our website.



Where can I access my weekly and monthly totals?

From the main logbook page, click the Season Summary link in the Latest Workouts section. You can also go to the History page, click View Season for any season's stats you want to view, and then choose Monthly Summary or Weekly Summary

How can I add lifetime meters to the meter total in my logbook?

If you want to add a large number of historical meters to get your logbook up to date:

  1. Log into your online logbook.
  2. Click History.
  3. Under Catchup Meters, click Add catchup meters.
  4. Create an entry for each time period you want to break it down into.
  5. Click Add.

When entering meters for the current logbook and ranking season (May 1 to April 30), it is best to enter each workout separately by individual date to allow for accurate average meters rowed statistics.

Where can I see my personal bests?

Go to the History page and scroll down to the bottom for the section called Lifetime Bests.


Annual Meters Honor Board

What is the Annual Meters Honor Board?

The Annual Meters Honor Board is a listing of rowers based on their average meters per day since the beginning of the logbook and ranking season—May 1 every year. It is divided into separate listings of those who have done 10,000 meters or more on average per day, 7500–9999 meters, 5000–7499 meters, 2500–4999 meters, and 1500–2499 meters. People who have an average daily meters of less than 1500 are not listed.

Where is the link for the Annual Meters Honor Board?

The link for the Annual Meters Honor Board is on the Challenges page of the logbook.



What is an affiliation?

An affiliation is a group of rowers whose meters are totalled together to be listed in the Affiliation Standings. There is no limit on the number of members in any affiliation.

What are the Affiliation Standings?

The Affiliation Standings are the year-round listing of all affiliations based on the total number of meters rowed by all affiliation members. Each affiliation's total is reset at the beginning of every logbook and ranking season (May 1 every year). Note: Individuals who have "Show Name in Honor Board and Standings" set to "No" in their profile will not appear in the Affiliation Standings and their meters will not be counted.

How can I add myself to an affiliation?
  1. Log into your logbook,
  2. At the top right of the page (your photo or avatar), click Profile.
  3. Click Edit Profile.
  4. On the Affiliation tab, follow the instructions to select an affiliation.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Update.

If you already have meters in your logbook for the current season (May 1–April 30), all of your meters from the beginning of the season will automatically be added to the affiliation's total. If you have not yet logged any meters, your name will not appear under your affiliation in the Affiliation Standings until you log some meters for the current season.

How can I have a new affiliation added to the list of choices?

If you do not see the club or university name in the list and would like to add it, please go to the contact page and choose "Request To Create New Affiliation".

Can I belong to two affiliations at the same time?

No, you can only belong to one affiliation at a time. If you change affiliations, all of your meters from the beginning of the season (May 1 every year) will change to your new affiliation’s total.

What is the difference between an affiliation and a team?

An affiliation is a year-round group of rowers showing meter totals on the Affiliation Standings page and a team is only related to certain team challenges that run throughout the year. See more in the Teams section below.


Training Partners

What does having a "Training Partner" mean?

Training Partners are able to view each other's logbook results. There is no limit to the number of Training Partners a person can have.

How do I add someone as a Training Partner?

To set up a Training Partner, go to their Profile page. Click the "Add Training Partner" button. You might not see this button on some people's profiles, depending on their privacy settings. Once this person accepts your request, your partnership is established. You can also add someone as a Training Partner by entering their Ranking ID on the Training Partners page in your logbook.

Once the partnership is set up, your partner's name will appear on your Training Partners page along with a link to a modified log page that shows the meters your partner has rowed. The modified log shows distance, time, date rowed, weight class, workout type and comments.



How are teams used in the online logbook?

Teams are established in the online logbook on the Teams page for team challenges that happen three times throughout the year: The three team challenges are:

  • Virtual Team Challenge (Jan 1–Jan 31)
  • World Erg Challenge (Mar 15–Apr 15)
  • Fall Team Challenge (Sept 15–Oct 15)

More information on these can be found on the Team Rowing Challenges page.

How do I join a team?

To join a team, click on Teams in your logbook, then use the drop-down list in the Join A Team section to choose a team. Once selected, click Select Team. If you’d like to start your own team, use the Start A Team section on the Teams page of your logbook.

How do I sign up for a team challenge?

After youve joined a team, you'll need to sign up to each team challenge to indicate you're taking part. You do so using the "Join Team Challenge" button on the Teams page.

Why can I no longer sign up for a challenge?

There is a deadline by which you need to sign up. You have roughly 16 days to sign up. See the specific team challenge page for more details and for the specific time deadline for signups. If you have not signed up by then, you are not able to take part in that challenge.

Why do I not appear in the Standings or on my team's results for a challenge?

Make sure you have joined a team and that you have signed up for the challenge. To do so, go to the Team page and click Join Team Challenge in the box for the challenge you want to take part in.

Why does my team not appear on the Standings for a challenge?

For a team to appear on the Standings for a team challenge, it needs at least two active members. An active member is one who has signed up and entered meters for the challenge.

Can I join or leave a team at any time?

Yes, it is possible to join or leave a team at any point. If you join a team after the signup deadline for a challenge has passed, you will not be able to take part in that challenge. If you leave a team at any point in the challenge, your meters will no longer count for that team.


Team Captains

How do I add members to my team?

Team members are responsible for adding themselves to a team. They do this from the dropdown menu on their Teams page or by clicking on Join Team when they view your team's results for a challenge. The exception to this is if you wish to add team members who do not currently have their own Logbook. See below for more information on Managed Accounts.

Can I contact my team members?

If you click on Mail Team Members on your team captain page, you can send a group email to all your team members. You can choose to contact: all team members, team members signed up for the current challenge, or team members not signed up for the current challenge. Note: It is possible for team members to opt out of receiving messages from their captain by changing the Contact Preferences in their profile. Team members will not be able to reply directly to you, but can reply via the Logbook Mail feature of the website.

Can I make somebody else the captain of my team?

You can only have one team captain at a time. To change the captain of your team, click on Transfer Captaincy on the Team Captain page. You can only transfer the captaincy to somebody already on your team. They will receive an email with the option to either accept or reject the captaincy. If the new team captain is not currently on the team, please use the contact page to arrange the transfer.

Can I be captain for more than one team?

It is only possible to be the captain for one team at a time.

Can I add team members who don't have their own Logbook?

Managed accounts are online profiles created and managed by a team captain. This allows the team captain to enter challenge meters on that team member's behalf. (Members who do not have managed accounts enter their own meters in their online profiles, and those meters are reflected in the team's total.)

To create a managed account:

  1. On the Teams page in your online logbook click Go To Team Captain page.
  2. Click Create Managed Account, and enter the user’s data.
  3. Click Create Account.

This adds the managed account to your roster but does not sign that person up for the current challenge. To enter managed accounts in a challenge:

  1. Tick the check box in the Enter column for that member. (If you have several managed accounts to sign up, tick the All check box at the top of the table.)
  2. Click Signup Managed at the bottom of the table. Once signed up, a field will appear in the Quick Meters column for that person, where you can enter meters on their behalf.

Note that you will have to sign up managed accounts for each team challenge.



How can I access my Logbook Mail?
  1. Log into your logbook.
  2. Click the profile icon in the top right of the page. This will be your user photograph if you have uploaded one.
  3. Click Mail.
  4. You will be able to view your Inbox, Outbox and any mail from Training Partners.
  5. Click on the Subject link to read the email and then the Reply button to reply.
How do I contact somebody via Logbook Mail?

If they are a training partner, you can go to your Training Partners page and click on Send Mail. Alternatively, if you go to the profile page for a user and they are using Logbook Mail, you will see a button to send them a message.

I cannot see my Logbook Mail?

Make sure your preferences are set to allow you to send and receive Logbook Mail. To change your preferences, go to your Profile page, click on Edit Profile and then click on 'Contact Preferences' and update your settings.


Concept2 Logbook | Help Pages (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.