Tanzania Trade Portal (2024)

Preliminary registrations, licences and certificates expand_more expand_less

Business licence

Business Licence is a legal document issued by government agencies that grants the user the right to operate any form of trade, commerce, craftsmanship or specified profession carried on for profit or gain (business) within government's geographical jurisdiction.

Any businesses line in Tanzania should obtain its own business licence from the Government agency mandated to issue Business Licence. Businesses that deal with international trade are required to obtain class "A"business licence fromBusiness Registrations and Licensing Agency.

Depending on the nature of the business, several licences may be required to cover different types of activities. For example, a firm processing shirts may require a licence to process and sell the shirts locally and a licence to export the finished products.

Premise registration certificate

Premise registrationis a mandatory requirement for a trader who intends to deal with distribution, storage of food stuff products. The premise registration certificate for food stuffs is only issued to registered food stuffs dealers and is regulated by theTanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)

Products registration certificate

Products registrationis a mandatory requirement for a trader who intends to deal with distribution, storage and of food stuff products. The products registration certificate for food stuffs is only issued to registered food stuffs dealers and is regulated by theTanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Permits per consignment expand_more expand_less

Plant import permit

The plant import permit is issued byMinistry of Agricultureallowing the import of plant and plant materials into Tanzania. It ascertains that the consignment has met the requirements outlined on the permit as per the type of species. The permit is issued per consignment.

Phytosanitary certificate approval

TheMinistry of Agricultureapproval phytosanitary certificate whichcertifies that plant and plant products are free from regulated pests and conforms with other phytosanitary requirements of the exporting country. The certificate is valid per consignment.

Batch certificate

Destination Inspection is focused on the conformity assessment of imported goods after arrival in the country. This applies to all goods in the destination inspection compulsory list and goods that were imported without a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) under the PVoC programme. The certificate is issued by theTanzania Bureau of Standardsand certifies that a particular import consignment conforms to the specified standards recognized by the bureau.

Certificate of conformity

For a trader to import products in Tanzania, he/she must have a certificate of conformity. This certificate is given by Tanzania Bureau of Standard contracted companies which are required to inspect the products before issuing the certificate. The importer is then required to submit the certificate of conformity online for verificationto TBS.

Certificate of roadworthiness

Destination Inspection is focused on the conformity assessment of imported goods after arrival in the country. This applies to all goods in the destination inspection compulsory list and goods that were imported without a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) under the PVoC programme. For a trader to import motor vehicle he/she must have the certificate of roadworthiness. This certificate is given by Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)

Transit pass for forest produce (TP)

Transit Pass for forest produce (TP) is a movement permit which allows to the movement of forest produce from one district to the other. The permit is regulated by each region or districts depending with where the forest produce are obtained. The movement permit is valid for 2-6 days depending with the distance.

Animal health certificate

Animal health certificate is required for exporters of animal and/or animal product from Tanzania main land. Issuance of the certificate is regulated by theMinistry of Livestock and Fisheriesunder the department of Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS)and is required for each consignment for import.

Certificate of radioactivity analysis

TheTanzania Atomic Energy Commission(TAEC) regulates all radioactive materials that contain radioactive elements and equipment that produce radioactive waves in Tanzania. TAEC certifies that foods are radioactive free which is a market requirement depending on the destination of the goods. The certificate is issued per consignment.

Food crop import permit

All importers of food crops must have permit to import food crop fromMinistry of Agricultureexcept those which are regulated by boards and those which are perishables. This permit is per consignment and it is valid for three months from the date of issue.

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Medicine expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration of medicine

Product registration is mandatory for all medicine products imported into Tanzania. TheTanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authorityissues the traders with a product registration certificate upon successful product evaluation.

Registration of premises for wholesale medicine

All traders who intend to deal with distribution and storage of medicine products must have their premises registered. The registration certificate is only issued to registered medicine dealers and is regulated by the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Medicines import permit

Medicine import permit is issued byTanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)to a firm / trader who wishes to import registered medicine. To access online service as medicine importer, applicants are required to register with TMDA serviceonline portal and be issued with user credentials.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Medicine import clearance procedure through JNIA

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of medicine, click the link.

Medicine import clearance procedure through Namanga OSBP

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of medicine, click the link.

Medicine import clearance procedure through Sirari OSBP

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of medicine, click the link.

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of medicine through JNIA

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of medicinethrough the JNIA.

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Medical device or in vitro diagnostic devices expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration of medical device or in vitro diagnostic devices

Product registration is mandatory for all medical devices imported into Tanzania.Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)is the mandated authority to issue traders with a product registration certificate upon successful product evaluation.

Registration of premises for medical or in vitro diagnostic devices

Premise registrationis a mandatory requirement for a trader who intends to deal with distribution, storage and importation of medical or in vitro diagnostic products. The premise registration certificate is only issued to registered medical or in vitro diagnostics dealers and is regulated by theTanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Medical devices or in vitro diagnosis device import permit

Medical or in vitro diagnosis device import permit is issued byTanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)to a firm/trader who wishes to import registered medical or in vitro diagnostic device. To access online service as medical or in vitro diagnosis deviceimporter, applicants are required to register with TMDA serviceonline portal and be issued with user credentials.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Medical devices import clearance procedure through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of medical devices, click the link.

Medical devices import clearance procedure through Namanga OSBP

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of medical devices, click the link.

Medical devices import clearance procedure through Sirari OSBP

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import medical device or in vitro diagnostic through port of Dar es salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of medical devices through the Port of Dar es salaam.

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Food expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Processed food import clearance procedure through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of processed food, click the link.

Processed food import clearance procedure through Namanga

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of processed food, click the link.

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import processed foods through port of Dar es salaam

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Cosmetics expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration of premises for cosmetics

Premise registrationis a mandatory requirement for a trader who intends to deal with distribution, storage and importation of cosmetics products. The premise registration certificate for cosmetics is only issued to registered cosmetics dealers and is regulated by theTanzania Bureau of Standards(TBS).

Registration of cosmetics

Product registration is mandatory for all cosmetics imported into Tanzania.Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)is the mandated authority to issue traders with a product registration certificate upon successful product evaluation.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Cosmetics import clearance procedure through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of cosmetics, click the link.

Cosmetics import clearance procedure through Namanga OSBP

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import cosmetics through port of Dar es salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of cosmeticsthrough the Port of Dar es salaam.

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Used motor vehicle expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Used motor vehicle import clearance procedure through the port of Dar es Salaam

The various import duties and taxes depend on the brand, engine size and year of production of the car. The TRA used motor vehicle valuation system calculator allows you to get the precise amount of taxes you will have to pay when importing your motor vehicle.

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Meat and meat products expand_more expand_less

Initial registration expand_more expand_less

Registration of meat industry stakeholders

Anyone intending to import meat and meat products, must first be registered as the meat industry stakeholder with the Tanzania Meat Board (TMB) who will be issued with registration certificate. The certificate is valid for a period of one year staring from the date of registration.

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Clearance certificate for meat and meat products

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of meats, click the link.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Meat import clearance procedure through JNIA

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of meat, click the link.

Meat import clearance procedure through Namanga OSPB

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of meat, click the link.

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of meat and meat products through JNIA

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of meat or meat productsthrough the JNIA.

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Milk and milk products expand_more expand_less

Import of milk and milk products is regulated byTanzania Dairy BoardA trader intending to import milk and milk products must obtain an import permit for each consignment.

For more information on how to obtain an import permit for milk and milk products, click on the link.

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Any person intending to import milk and milk products, must first be registered as the milk industry stakeholder with theTanzania Dairy Boardwho will be issued with registration certificate.The Certificate of registration of the dairy issued under the regulations shall be valid for a period of five years upon payment of annual retention fee of ten percent of the registration fee.

Registration of dairy stakeholder as milk and milk products importer

Any person intending to import milk and milk products, must first be registered as the milk industry stakeholder with theTanzania Dairy Boardwho will be issued with registration certificate.The Certificate of registration of the dairy issued under the regulations shall be valid for a period of five years upon payment of annual retention fee of ten percent of the registration fee.

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Milk and milk products import permit

Import of milk and milk products is regulated byTanzania Dairy Board. A trader intending to import milk and milk products must obtain an import permit for each consignment.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Clearance of milk and milk products through Dar es salaam port

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of milk, click the link..

Milk mport clearance procedure through Namanga One Stop Border Post

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of milk, click the link..

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of milk and milk products through the port of Dar es Salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of milk and milk productsthrough the port.

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Spare parts expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Spare parts (bicycles, motorcycles ) import clearance procedures through port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of spare parts, click the link.

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of spare parts through the port of Dar es Salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of spare parts through the Port of Dar es salaam.

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Cereals and Legumes expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Cereals and legumes import clearance procedure through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of cereals and legumes, click the link.

Cereals and legumes import clearance procedure through Namanga OSBP

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of cereals and legumes, click the link.

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of cereals and legumes through the port of Dar es Salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of cereals and legumesthrough the port of Dar es salaam.

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Second hand clothes expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Second hand clothes (mitumba) import clearance procedures through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of second hand clothes, click the link.

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of second hand clothes through the port of Dar es Salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of second hand clothesthrough the Port of Dar es salaam.

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Beverages (Non-alcoholic and alcoholic) expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Beverages import clearance procedure through Namanga One Stop Border Post (OSBP)

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of bevarages, click the link.

Beverages import clearance procedure through Sirari One Stop Border Post (OSBP)

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import beverages through Namanga One Stop Border Post (OSPB)

This procedure sequentially complies licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of beverages of more than $2000 of value for the first time into Tanzania, via Namanga OSBP.

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Apiary or bee products expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration of honey and bee products dealer

All traders who wish to deal with honey or any other apiary product and bee product must be registered byTanzania Forest Service Agency. This registration is valid for one year.

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Transit pass for apiary or bee products produce (TP)

Transit Pass for forest produce (TP) is a movement permit which allows to the movement of apiary or bee product from one district to the other. The permit is regulated by each region or districts depending with where the apiary or bee productare obtained. The movement permit is valid for 2-6 days depending with the distance.

Import permit for apiary or bee products

For a trader to import bee products or apiary products, you are required to have import permit per consignment issued byTanzania Forest Service Agency.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Apiary or bee products import clearance procedure through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of apiary, click the link.

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader

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Timber expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration of importers of forest products

Forest produce from trees or grown in a forest or is naturally found in a forest and includes timber, bamboos, baobab powder, canes, charcoal, firewood, fruits, galls, gums and honey. Registration of forest produce dealer is regulated by the Tanzania Forest Service Agency who will issue registration certificate. The certificate is valid for one calendar year.

Registration of timber yard

Registration of forest produce dealer is regulated by the Tanzania Forest Service Agency who issues a registration certificate. The certificate is valid for one calendar year.

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Timber import permit

Timber import permit allows an importer to import certain amount of timber with specified grades. The permit is issued byTanzania Forest Agencyand is valid for a period of sixty days only and is used once for a single shipment.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Clearance of timber through the port of Dar

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of timber, click the link.

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of timber through port of Dar es salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of timberthrough Dar es salaam port.

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Spices expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Clearance of spices through Dar es Salaam port

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of spices, click the link.

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of spices through the port of Dar es Salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of spicesthrough the port of Dar es salaam.

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Avocado expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of avocado, click the link.

Clearance of avocado through JNIA

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of avocado, click the link.

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Full procedure view-for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of avocado through JNIA

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of avocadothrough JNIA.

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Fertilizer expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration and licensing of fertilizer dealer

All fertilizer dealers must be registered byTanzania Fertilizer Regulatory Authorityand obtain fertilizer dealership licence. The licence issued is valid for one year.

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Fertilizer import permit

Fertilizer import permit is given to a trader who wish to import fertilizers. Import of fertilizer is regulated byTanzania Fertilizer Regulatory Authority(TFRA)who issue import permit for each consignment.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Fertilizers import clearance procedure through Dar es Salaam port

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of fertilizer, click the link.

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import fertilizers through port of Dar es salaam

Thisproceduresequentiallycompiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of fertilizerthrough the Dar es salaam port.

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Tea expand_more expand_less

Permits expand_more expand_less

Tea import permit

Tea import permit issued by Tea Board of Tanzania is required when the firm wishes to import processed tea to Tanzania. The permit is per declared consignment.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Tea import clearance procedure through Dar es salaam port

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of tea, click the link.

Tea import clearance procedure through Namanga One Stop Border Post (OSBP)

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of tea, click the link.

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Full procedure view- for a first time trader expand_more expand_less

Import of tea through Dar es salaam port

This procedure sequentially compiles the licenses, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of tea for the first time into Tanzania, via Dar es salaam port.

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Roofing sheet expand_more expand_less

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Edible oils (Mafuta ya kupikia) expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Clearance of food stuff through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of edible oils, click the link.

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Fish and fishery products expand_more expand_less

Initial registrations and licences expand_more expand_less

Fish and fishery products import licence

All importers of fish and fishery products must have import licence and their premises must be registered byMinistry of Fisheries and Livestock. All registered premises must have certificate of approval. The licence is renewable annually.

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Fish import permit

Any person intending to import milk and milk products, must first be registered as the milk industry stakeholder with theTanzania Dairy Boardwho will be issued with registration certificate.The Certificate of registration of the dairy issued under the regulations shall be valid for a period of five years upon payment of annual retention fee of ten percent of the registration fee.

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Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Clearance of goods through Dar es Salaam port

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Tobacco expand_more expand_less

Initial registration and licences expand_more expand_less

Registration of tobacco importer

A business wishing to import dry leaf tobacco must be registered and obtain a registration certificate. Import of dry leaf tobacco is regulated byTanzania Tobacco Boardwho issues the tobacco import registration certificate. The registration has unlimited validity.

Dry leaf tobacco import licence

Green leaf tobacco import license

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Permits expand_more expand_less

Tobacco import permit

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Furniture expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Furniture import clearance through Sirari One Border Post (OSBP)

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration. For more information on how to clear your consignment of furniture, click the link.

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Full procedure view (for a first time trader) expand_more expand_less

Import furniture through Sirari OSBP

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of furniture through Sirari OSBP.

Import of farnitures through the port of Dar es Salaam

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of farniture through the Port of Dar es salaam.

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Agrochemicals expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Agrochemicals import clearance through Sirari One Border Post (OSBP)

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of agrochemicals, click the link.

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Full procedure view (for a first time trader) expand_more expand_less

Import textile through Sirari OSBP

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of agrochemicals through Sirari OSBP.

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Home applience expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Home applience import clearance through Sirari One Border Post (OSBP)

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of home appliences, click the link.

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Full procedure view (for a first time trader) expand_more expand_less

Import home applience through Sirari OSBP

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of Home appliences through Sirari OSBP.

Import home applience through port of Dar es Salaam

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of Home appliences through Dar port.

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Glassware expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Glassware import clearance through Sirari One Border Post (OSBP)

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of glassware, click the link.

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Full procedure view (for a first time trader) expand_more expand_less

Import glassware through Sirari OSBP

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of glassware through Sirari OSBP.

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Textile & textiles products expand_more expand_less

Clearance procedures expand_more expand_less

Textiles import clearance procedures through the port of Dar es Salaam

Customs declaration is registered and assessed by a clearing agent appointed by the importer of goods. The clearing agency and/or trader are liable for all information declared on customs declaration.For more information on how to clear your consignment of textile, click the link.

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Full procedure view (for a first time trader) expand_more expand_less

Import of textiles through the port of Dar es Salaam

This procedure sequentially compiles the licences, permits and clearance steps to be fulfilled by a registered business owner importing a consignment of textile through Dar port.

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Tanzania Trade Portal (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.