Tranq Dart Cheat Codes (2024)

Tranq Dart Cheat Codes (1)
  • Shortest GFI Code
  • Full GFI Code
  • GiveItem Code
  • Unlock Engram Code
  • Blueprint
  • Item ID
  • Item ID Number
  • See more Weapon Cheat Codes
  • Search All item Cheat Codes
  • Notes: Also "Tranquilizer Darts"
  • Weight: 2
  • Max Stack Size: 100

How to Use Cheat Codes

  • Press the TAB key on your keyboard to open your console (bottom of screen)
  • Paste a spawn command from the list below into the console and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
  • Note: If on multiplayer you must first enter the code enablecheats adminpassword in the console.

How to use Cheat Codes / Spawn Commands and FAQ's?

Shortest GFI Code

This is the shortest GFI code for Tranq Dart. I have tested every single one of the shortest codes listed on this site and they really do work!

Tranq Dart Shortest GFI Spawn Command

admincheat gfi q 1 0 0

Parameters - GFI [Item ID] [Quantity] [Quality] [ForceBlueprint] - How to change?

Full GFI Code

This is the Full GFI code for Tranq Dart.

Tranq Dart Full GFI Spawn Command

admincheat gfi TranqDart 1 0 0

Parameters - GFI [Item ID] [Quantity] [Quality] [ForceBlueprint] - How to change?

GiveItem Codes

Command to spawn Tranq Dart using the GiveItem Blueprint code.

Tranq Dart GiveItem Spawn Command

admincheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart.PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart'" 1 0 0

Parameters - GiveItem [Blueprint Path] [Quantity] [Quality] [ForceBlueprint] - How to change?

Unlock Engram

This is cheat code to unlock the Engram for Tranq Dart.

Tranq Dart Unlock Engram Command

admincheat unlockengram "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart.PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart'"

Parameters - UnlockEngram [Blueprint Path] - How to change?

This cheat code unlocks EVERY engram.

Unlock ALL Engrams Command

admincheat giveengrams

Please be careful using the giveengrams command, it may freeze or crash your game (although I have had no problems with it). Make a server save before using.

Blueprint Path

Blueprint Path for Tranq Dart.

Tranq Dart Blueprint Path


Item ID

Item ID for Tranq Dart.

Tranq Dart Item ID


Item ID Number

Item ID Number for Tranq Dart.

Tranq Dart Item ID Number

There is no Item ID Number for Tranq Dart, use the Item ID above.


  • How do I change Parameters?
  • Should I use Admincheat or Cheat?
  • Do I need a password?
  • Why does my code not work?

How do I change Parameters

GFI [Item ID] [Quantity] [Quality] [ForceBlueprint]

Example GFI:
GFI MetalPick 1 0 0

  • [Command] - the cheat command such as GFI or GiveItem.
  • [Item ID] - the unique item identifier you can copy from above.
  • [Blueprint Path] - the unique blueprint path you can copy from above. This needs to be enclosed within " " to work.
  • [Quantity] - how many you want to spawn.
  • [Quality] - the quality of the item (1-100). For example for Armor it relates to the Armor value, the durability, plus the materials you require to craft. Unfortunately you cannot specify the exact quality you want. Using 100 will guarantee a random Ascendant item or blueprint, it will be high blueprint, perhaps even too high to actually craft, but still random. Using quality of 1 will guarantee Ramshackle. There is no other way than just trial and error trying different numbers between 1-100 to get the quality you require. Leave as 0 if quality is not relevant to the item.
  • [ForceBlueprint] - 0 for the item / 1 for a blueprint. Leave as 0 if a blueprint is not possible.

Should I use Admincheat or Cheat?

I have included admincheat as default in all the commands you can copy above for convenience as it works everywhere.

In single player you can use cheat or simply the command alone instead.

Do I need a password?

Singleplayer: In single player you do not need to use a password.

Multiplayer: If on a multiplayer server you must enter the code enablecheats adminpassword in the console before any cheats / commands will work. You can get your password from your server provider / host or admin.

Why is my GFI code not working?

Sometimes GFI codes fail, by far the most likely cause is a conflict with a mod, or sometimes it appears to be an issue with not having the item already in your cache (this cause is iffy but I have seen it mentioned quite often), or maybe an update has temporarily broken the codes.

EASY GFI CODE NOT WORKING SOLUTION - Use the full GiveItem blueprint cheat code above.

You could spend lots of time tracking down the root cause but I suggest you save time and just use this failsafe solution.

Tranq Dart Cheat Codes (2024)


What is the cheat code for tranq darts? ›

The GFI code for Shocking Tranquilizer Dart is Ammo_RefinedTranqDart. Use this command to give yourself one or more Shocking Tranquilizer Dart.

What is the cheat code for GFI tranq? ›

The GFI code for Tranquilizer Dart is Ammo_TranqDart. Use this command to give yourself one or more Tranquilizer Dart.

What is the cheat code for tranq arrow? ›

The GFI code for Tranquilizer Arrow is Ammo_ArrowTranq. Use this command to give yourself one or more Tranquilizer Arrow.

What is the most powerful tranq dart in ark? ›

The Shocking Tranquilizer Dart is a more advanced version of the tranquilizer dart that deals twice the amount of torpor as the tranquilizer dart. Tranquilizer darts remove attachments to the Longneck Rifle when applied.

What does GFI stand for? ›

Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and ground fault interrupters (GFI) are the exact same device under slightly different names. Though GFCI is more commonly used than GFI, the terms are interchangeable. SHOP GFCI OUTLETS.

How to enable cheats in Ark? ›

How to Use Ark Cheat Commands
  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Now you need to bring up the command bar. Depending on your console, do the following: ...
  3. Enter enablecheats into the command bar. If ther server has a password, type enablecheats YourPasswordHere.
  4. Input a command into the admin command bar.

What is the GFI for toxic tranq arrow? ›

Engram Toxic Tranq Arrow
ModPrimal Fear
Map AvailabilityThe Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis Part 1, Genesis Part 2, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, and Fjordur
Spawn Codecheat gfi PrimalItemAmmo_ToxicArrowTranq 1 1 0
Stack Size100
10 more rows

How much torpor does 1 tranq arrow give? ›

AmmunitionWeaponInstant torpor
Tranq ArrowBow40
Tranq ArrowCompound Bow54
Tranq ArrowCrossbow70
Tranquilizer DartLongneck Rifle156
2 more rows
May 10, 2024

What level do you unlock tranq darts? ›

Prior to patch 255.0, the recipe used Simple Rifle Ammo instead of Tranquilizer Dart. At Patch 257 the required Lv. was changed to 96. Unlike other spoiling items, the shocking tranq dart does not benefit from the 100x multiplier from the Refrigerator.

Can you tranq arrow a giga? ›

Bring tranq darts or arrows more than is recommended on dododex, I learnt this when my tranq darts ran out for a lvl 55 giga after shooting more than 300 tranq darts although I did miss a few. Also use a high tier bow or longneck and bring at least 400 narcotics.

Do shocking Tranq darts spoil? ›

For a point of reference, vanilla shocking tranq darts only last 4 hours in a player's inventory, which you have covered. However, they can be stored in a vanilla refrigerator for 18x longer than a player's inventory.

Do tranq darts do damage ark? ›

Utility. Upon impact, the Tranquilizer Dart deals 26 base damage to the target, which increases with the quality of the rifle it is fired from.

Can you use shocking tranq darts underwater ark? ›

Do tranq dart guns work underwater? Do they? Never have - never will... The only thing that works for knocking crap out underwater is the X-Bow.

What item number is tranq darts? ›

Engram Tranquilizer Dart
ModArk Prime
Item ID383
Spawn Codecheat gfi q 1 1 0
Stack Size100
11 more rows

How to make tranq darts in Ark? ›

To make Tranquilizer Dart, combine Narcotic, Metal Ingot, and Simple Rifle Ammo for 1 seconds.

At what level do you unlock Tranq Darts in Ark? ›

  1. Required level. Level 62.
  2. Engram points. 30 EP.
  3. 0.2 XP.
  4. 1s.
  5. Prerequisites. Stone Arrow. Narcotic. Simple Rifle Ammo.
  6. Unlocks. Pheromone Dart. Shocking Tranquilizer Dart. Tranq Spear Bolt.
  7. Used to craft. 3 items.
  8. Smithy. Argentavis Saddle. Castoroides Saddle. Thorny Dragon Saddle. Tek Replicator. Exo-Mek.
May 10, 2024

What is the command for God mode in Ark? ›

Player skills
GodGod mode makes your character invincible.
LeaveMeAloneMakes you invincible. Values are increased to maximum and dinosaurs do not attack.
GMBuffAlso makes you invincible including maximum stats and additional experience points.
FlyThe player can fly.
24 more rows
Nov 9, 2023

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